måndag 28 januari 2013

Should Victims of the Holocaust be honored today? Should today's Germany feel guilt for its history alone ......

By Roland Lohr gen Stahl
On January 27th, 68 years ago the Red Army liberated Auschwitz, ironic that it was the Red Army, while saying let this "never again", but how does it actually look like today and how will it be measured in the future?

As in all previous years they gathered at the Raoul Wallenberg's place (Sweden), a dozen had come to commemorate the Holocaust and their own sacrifices at the foot of the Holocaust monument at the Jewish Synagogue. The candles symbolize the six million Jews, a million Romes, disabled and homosexuals who were killed in the death camps. Not listed are the millions of German´s and other nations, also imprisoned and murdered in the camps, and beyond.
What also should be addressed “today” is the question if Germany as a nation "should bear the blame alone?"

The Jewish people, today the "Israeli people" have been hunted for generations through Egypt into Europe, Spain, France and Germany. All had one thing in common, to drive out the "Jews". In the end it was Germany who had to take their fair share, but ended in hideous forms. In parallel with this, we had other examples of places and inhuman treatments of prisoners, Stalin and Siberia, an extreme location in the old Soviet Union, still existing and still refusing to open their files. But there are also many other examples of atrocities after World War II, made by nations like the U.S., Russia, China, North Africa and the Middle East.
Ironically ongoing torture and abuse on people, secret abductions without charge or trial in Guantanamo by the United States, one of the liberators of the Jews in Germany, are made by the US perfectly legitimate.”

I'm not saying what Germany did was right, no, it was wrong but it came out as a final result of all events with the Jewish people for generations as being displaced, and with the Catholic Church as the driving force. It did not end with the war and the creation of Israel, it did continue and continues still today.
What we see today is that anti-Semitism did not end, but we see other forms of anti-Semitism today throughout the world, in the U.S., in Europe, Sweden and the Middle East.

One question that comes up is what are our thought´s about human dignity. How can it be measured, with power, money, weapons….? In the same moment when we know that children of today around the world are sold as a victim to child armies, as cheap labor or sexual victims (trafficking). How can we explain the importance of compassion, when we see children and adults who are kidnapped, captured and tortured in Guantanamo, or suffering in the war Afghanistan, Syria or see on the famine in the Horn of Africa? They represent only a few of many examples where war and abuse of power today with millions of victims every year.
Someone said that "no one thought about concentration camps as possible," but it was really something that other had made use of before, but called it by other names, labor camps, and did hide it. We should of course talk about these, unintended, where ever they are, we know that they are left in today's Siberia. Some say that what happened must remain in us to remember and be remembered for ever so now one can say "it was not that bad." No belittle the events, except those that reject events in Germany at that time. However, while the memory of the Holocaust eventually diminish its own power.

We are living in a “new spirit of age” in which racism and extremism, regardless of which political side it will grow is growing. We have dictatorships that disappear and new extreme countries are formed, people flee to escape, many dies, some are starving and new entrepreneurs appears on the arena without any compassion. This is done openly, often with the involvement of major nations who are enriching themselves at the expense of the poor. War pays for some, while the war is costing much more, but then finance are made organizations and the entire nation, but only benefits, these are often old generals, politicians or senior people who are behind the new company dealing with weapons, arranging logistics, new security companies contributing to the illegal transactions at arms, drugs or money transport that contributes to corruption and other things.
Who is responsible for the Holocaust and the traditional anti-Semitism?

For me and many others Germany should not be the bearer alone for the guilt of the Holocaust, Germany as nation became only a tool for the Catholic Church and Adolf Hitler as trustee. One of many accomplices, the Catholic Church for centuries condoned, promoted and disseminated the Bible anti- judaism and anti-Semitism and thus ideologically have prepared the Holocaust.
It was Germany that became the scene of an end to this issue, but it could just as well be any other nation. Pius XII, who was the originator of the Concordat between the Vatican and Hitler in 1933 is responsible as Pope from 1939 to 1958, so the Church indirectly should be contributed to pay damages, and the existence of the Vatican should be questioned.

The conclusion by “Goldhagen” are based on two grounds. The persecution of Jews in Germany was a historical continuity, the Holocaust was not an isolated phenomenon but the logical consequence of the traditional anti-Semitism that pervaded the entire German society since the 1800s, which evolved into the Nazi belief that "the Jewish race "must be eliminated.
The second conclusion was that the German people during the Hitler era, had known about and they colluded with the mass murder of the European Jews and so did even other country´s.

These ideas have found support at different times by different personalities not in favour of the majority of the German branch.
In Sweden it was silent about the Holocaust for a long time in order not to offend Hitler, even that they had known about the camps for a long time. The Pope at the same time refused his help and looked away, even when the converted Jews deported from Rome.

Debt issues are extremely complex, and we are not finished with it in a long time and the result of this might change with future developments.

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